Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Father's Day

We celebrated Jason's second Father's Day all weekend long. Since we just moved into a new house we have spent every weekend working on house projects and really haven't taken any time to go do family stuff. So we spent Saturday morning at the Farmer's Market and then on a whim decided to go up to High Rolls, NM for the Cherry Festival. Baby girl had her first piece of cherry pie and loved it.

On the way home we stopped by the Alamorgodo zoo. She loves animals and we had not been to this zoo so it was a nice change. She is such a good baby to travel with us here and there and go with the flow.

Sunday we gave Daddy his homemade gifts. If you know my husband you know he LOVES plants. I mean we have plants on the back porch, side porch, front yard, kitchen, bathroom. We are surrounded by the cleanest purest air I'm sure! I wanted to make a gift combining his three loves; our baby girl, plants, and John Deere. Ta-da the homemade painted pot using little spoon's foot print. It was fun to make and very thankful for my friend who helped me get her foot on the pot!

We went to the El Paso zoo later that day and played in the water which made her day!! She had the biggest smile on her face the entire time playing in the water. Daddy loved showing her all the animals and her favorite viewing spot is on daddy's shoulders of course!

We made one last stop before home at one of Jason's favorite nursery's. He has been wanting a tree to plant in our backyard because the previous owners let everything in the yard die while they had the house up for sale for a year. He picked one out and we came home and started digging. I say we, but there was no mama digging. I was watching from the nice cool AC inside! This is little spoon in the hole for the tree. One day we can show her how small she was when we planted that tree!

It was a great weekend and we enjoyed spending it with Daddy and doing fun things with him. My husband works so hard for our family which allows me to stay at home with my baby girl. This past year has been so amazing and wonderful and I appreciate being able to have that time with her.  He may not do the dishes on the regular, pick up his clothes, or clean up messes but he is the only person I have ever met that can fix anything, make anything, and learn everything! He amazes me with his dedication to making our lives better and being the most loving husband even when mama is hormonal and crazy!! We love you Daddy!

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