Wednesday, August 14, 2013

8 Minute HIIT Workout

Today we have a super busy day which means it is that much harder to get my workout in for the day. I know the longer I put it off the less likely I will actually do it. My window of opportunity is usually my little girl's nap time in the morning. Sometimes she doesn't take a second nap so if I don't work out in the morning I risk my window of opportunity for the day. You can find TONS of HIIT workouts on YouTube and these two are my favorite lately. The best part is you can do them at home! They are quick and leave me feeling that I got something done. Anyone has 8 minutes to spare. Shoot you can even save more time by sleeping in your workout clothes the night before, then get up 20 min earlier than normal in the morning and get this done! Also, they coach you along the way so you can focus on your exercise and form instead of watching a clock to figure out when you start and stop. I set my laptop on the floor, hit play and it's that easy!

I really like this workout as well:

 Today I combined both to give me a 25 min workout which meant I could actually workout, shower, blog and enjoy my post workout shake while catching up on some good reality tv!

I just realized that I left out my HIIT day on my last post listing my workout schedule. I will share my workouts later this week. I do all my workouts from home, no gym. So here is my workout schedule:

Day 1: Glutes/Back
Day 2: Chest/Shoulders
Day 3: HIIT
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Arm Circuit
Day 6 or 7: Walk with family or rest day

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