Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Reasons Why I Lift Heavy

I have had a few friends ask me why I lift heavy weights and won't that make me bulky? They say they just want to "tone" and look leaner so why not just do cardio and diet? Well after some research and talking to many fit moms (you know those moms that look like they have never had a kid and we secretly hate them for looking that way) I have the following answers...

First off in order to look bulky, manly, or even like a bodybuilder it would take some serious time, like years to achieve that look. In addition you would need a squeaky clean specific diet, supplements, anabolic steroids and specific training. You would not just happen to look that way from a few months of lifting heavy. If that were the case we would probably see more accidental "fit" people right?!

I use to lift 5lb -10lb weights and wondered why nothing every changed with my physique. Well skip to present day and thinking about it, I probably lifted 5lbs at various times during the day around the house or office and that didn't expend much effort at all, much less for any fat loss or muscle gain. Then, I had my daughter and started to see more defined arms after a few months. Well, lifting her and carrying her around ALL day was challenging to my arms. Enough to build some muscle. She continued to gain weight..from almost 11lbs at birth to now 24lbs at 15 months. As she gained more weight it was more of an arm workout thus showing me lifting heavier gave me more benefits and turned me on to this idea of heavy lifting.

The problem with long cardio sessions and dieting is that you aren't fueling your body with necessary "fuel" for your workout. At some point your body begins to consume the muscle you have for fuel because it has nothing left to draw on. This will give you a lean look but it does affect your metabolism in a negative way and your body is more prone to store fat as a result! Thinking back to my college swimming days I was doing long cardio sessions in the water all week but I ate whatever I wanted thinking I would somehow achieve that toned look because I was working out all the time and eating enough. Well now I see that there is a direct correlation to the exercise you do and what you put in your body. I soo wish I had been smarter about nutrition because I truly believe I could have been a better athlete and looked better too.

Have you heard about HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) cardio? It's a way to burn more fat in a shorter amount of time. Isn't that just a dream?! HIIT cardio has shown to be a very productive, fat blasting, effective form of cardio that can be done in as little as 30 min. You can google HIIT and see what workout ideas are out there. HIIT cardio allows you to burn fat and preserve your muscle which is a fabulous thing because most folks just dieting and doing solely cardio struggle to maintain muscle and burn fat. They disappear together which is not ideal. Another reason to strive for more muscle is that your body actually burns more calories with muscle that fat. In fact 3 times as many calories!

"According to a 2011 study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, just 2 weeks of high-intensity intervals improves your aerobic capacity as much as 6 to 8 weeks of endurance training."-Shape Magazine

I have never been a fan of taking a diet pill, going on a diet, or starving myself to achieve a particular look. In my opinion many diets do more damage to your metabolism and overall idea of eating. I know most marketing is aimed towards quick results but I think establishing a healthy routine of eating is better for you mentally and physically. Don't we deal with enough pressure from the media to look a certain way and pressure to achieve a look as quick as possible all because we are an instant gratification society?! Now that I have a daughter I know she will be dealing with body image and other pressures we deal with as young girls and women at some point. I hope she doesn't fall into the pressure to diet and exercise to exhaustion. All I can do is lead by example and cross those bridges with her as they come. 

Diets produce quick results but then tend to lead people to binge after or go back to their old ways, sometimes worse ways all because they lost that quick progress. For me I really like the idea of creating healthy habits but also enjoying all those yummy foods out there because finding a balance doesn't come with guilt, regret, or any negative emotions from breaking your "diet". Healthier foods make me feel more energetic and I can see the direct benefits from fueling my body with the nutrients I need. I am not such a health freak that I don't enjoy a fast food hamburger, ice cream, mexican food, etc from time to time. I find my best balance is choosing to make 80% of my food intake healthy then the other 20% junk or whatever. Vacations happen, family get togethers happen, lunch with girlfriends happen and I really enjoy good food with good people. That is what makes me happy and works for me. Isn't life all about balance and finding your ideal happiness with what works for YOU?! 

Do your own research and see what appeals to you and what you think you would benefit from. 

3 week progress quick pic
Shoulders responding to HEAVY weights ya'll!


  1. Looking good!! I hate lifting at first, but I've grown to love it!

  2. You look fantastic! I had my first baby about 9 months ago and thought the way to get my pre-baby body back would be to train for and run a half marathon. I spent a few days a week for months doing loooongggg slow runs, and absolutely NOTHING happened to my body. No weight loss, no toning, nothing. It seems so obvious now, but I didn't realize then how important HIIT and weight training are to changing your body. I've just joined a gym and am focusing solely on those two things. Thanks for the motivation!

    1. Aww so sweet of you to say..thank you! Congrats as well for training for a half marathon. That is some serious dedication! I really hope you enjoy and see the results from weights and HIIT. I am loving it and feel like I get a great workout in each day in minimal time.

  3. Amen! I agree that weights are the best way to see real results. Or I tell myself that because I seriously dislike cardio ;) Do you stick to free weights or do you use machines? I feel like with free weights, I've been ready to step up my weights as far as the muscle I'm working is concerned, but my hands get too tired holding it!

    1. I do free weights and for any "cardio" type stuff I just make my weights a circuit to keep my heart rate up or I do plyometric type workouts. I don't have a gym membership currently because our budget just isn't allowing for it right now. But I have sets of free weights, pull up bar and bands and am creative when I need to be :) Oh I hear ya with the tired hands. I feel they get their own HARD workout somedays! ha
