Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Week One Round Up

After a long holiday weekend and many setbacks it's back to another week of clean eats and hard work.  Life happens and I decided to enjoy the holiday goodies. This did set me back with my goals but I did enjoy the family time and friend time that accompanied the goodies. No guilt, no excuses, just ready for a new week with good choices.

I have also come to realize that I have no portion control when there are sweets in the house. I can't limit myself to just one because it never works. I love sweets to much to just enjoy one and then have to see them sitting on the counter the rest of the day and not eat more! For me I have to rule them out completely and then I have self control. Once they are off limits completely and I go a few days sweet-less then my habits are in place. Since I know this is a weakness I am making the choice not to keep temptation in the house and if the hubs has any goodies, he has been instructed to hide them.

This is week one progress. I am getting back to clean eats and mucho water intake which means my holiday bloat will go down and let the muscle definition journey begin!! I also signed up for the following apps which allow me to enter what I ate and see a breakdown of the macronutrients. Very helpful!


If It Fits Your Macro's Calculator


Homemade Oatmeal w/ fruit & Egg Whites

Mean Green Juice (recipe from Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead documentary)
Peanut Butter/Cocoa Protein Bites

La Tortilla Factory Tortilla w/ beans, chicken, avocado, and tomato

Sautéed kale with mushrooms
Refried (homemade) beans w some cheese

90 oz.


  1. Dropping in by way of the Walk About and you look fabulous! If you want to come cook for me-- plan my meals-- YOU ARE HIRED!!

    1. Aww thanks! I appreciate the lovely compliment. I am trying my best so you made my day!
