Monday, September 30, 2013

18 Weeks Out From Goal #2

I am on to goal #2 that I originally set for myself...yay! I am going to start labeling my progress posts/pics from #1 onward because I had such a long break from my first goal to now due to sickness and travel. So it only makes sense to start at 1 again and work my way up to 18. My next goal is 18 weeks out and it feels like I am starting all over for the THIRD time this year. But I suppose it's better to keep going than to give up entirely. In 18 weeks we will be on our cruise..yay! It will also be my first time leaving my daughter longer than a few hours. I really need to leave her overnight, for one night at least, but that makes me a little nervous even thinking of being away that long. It may be a bit to drastic to go from hours away to a week away! I gotta work on that overnight situation. We just haven't had time to plan a getaway and then ask family to watch her.  I know by the second kid I will be begging anyone to watch the kids and run away (or so I hear that's the magic that happens with a second). It's just hard to imagine a morning not waking up to her. When I go to bed each night I look forward to seeing her first thing in the morning and have that snuggle time while she munches on cheerios and I drink my coffee all while watching Sesame Street. It's our thing and I love mornings with her.

So nothing great to report since we are back to week 1. It was a lot harder to start back than I thought it would be. I ate all my goodies up on Sunday to start fresh on Monday with no temptations. That included consuming a bag of candy corn m&m's in 3 days. Oh did I mention it wasn't the snack size that you get at a gas station, it was the big bag! The 9.9 oz bag. It made me super happy though and it was worth all that chocolaty candy corn goodness. Nothing new there on my consumption rate. As far back as I can remember if there is chocolate in the house I will consume it within record times. I don't play portion size, make it last, or only eat a few at a time. Nope, I go all out and you know what...I don't regret it. It's a habit that comes out only every few months and I get my fix and move on with life.

So here we go. Week 1- my starting point. Dragged my self off the couch and completed a workout. I really think starting over is just as hard as just starting. I know mentally if I can get through a week then I will be back into the swing of things.

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