Friday, January 3, 2014

18-20 Months

Little Spoon,
   You are pretty close to being 2 years old and I am not sure I like this! In just 4 short months we will celebrate your 2nd Birthday so I better get to planning that now! In the last two months your vocabulary has grown daily. You try to say any word we ask you to repeat and some with more success than others. You have also started to show more facial expressions as well. You do an adorable fake pout/sad face but your excited face is just priceless. Your eye get really big and your draw drops and you say, "ohhh!" and immediately want whatever excited you. This was really fun to see you light up when you saw the play kitchen Santa brought you on Christmas morning. You also do a happy dance when you are super excited to get french fries, cookies, or blueberries (since they are hard to find during winter you rarely get them). On the flip side you are also showing us how upset you can get if you don't get what you want or get your way. We let you have your fit and then when you calm down we talk about it. This seems to work for right now. You still throw a pretty crazy fit when we are in the store and you still won't sit down in the cart. Not even for sugared snacks. But you are at the age where sitting still is a thing of the past so I am hoping this passes as well.

 I love that we still have our snuggle time in the morning. I drink my coffee and you eat some cheerios, banana, or zucchini bread while you sit on my lap. This snuggle time is getting shorter as you get older. I will enjoy it while I can. I should have known you would figure out the coffee machine at some point because you watch me make coffee every morning while you are hung on my hip. But still I was surprised when I saw you do it! I set you on the counter the other week to rinse your fruit and you pushed the on button, then lifted the lever and proceeded to put a K-Cup in. My first thought was, crap that is dangerous, while my second thought was, does this mean she can start making me coffee earlier than I planned on?! I can hold off another year, then we will see if you can master adding the cream.

You are such a great helper these days and you are eager to help with most tasks. You help me regularly with the dishwasher, taking out the trash, and the laundry now! You haven't quite accepted how fun picking up your toys can be so we are continually working on that. You love your routine and schedule. You wake up between 7-7:30am each day, no matter what time you went to bed the night before. You go to bed typically about 7-8pm which is really nice for us. You take one nap a day and depending on the teething situation or how worn out you are you will sleep from 1.5hrs-3 hrs. Lately, you have been cutting your incisors (tops and bottoms all together!) so you have had a few short naps and cranky evenings. You are not as fussy as you use to be when a tooth was coming through but I can always tell by how red and hot your cheeks get and if you get a diaper rash. Those are your two giveaways. You still love to read and look at books in the car. Any animal magazine always wins out. When in your carseat you have to wear your "GiGi" as you call it. A bracelet which is a sparkly bracelet your GiGi gave you this past October. You wear it in the car and we take it off before we go into a store or the house. We cant risk losing it. If I forget to put it on you, you let me know while we are driving as you shout "GiGi!! GiGi!" and point to it. I am proud to say I have mastered the monkey arm reach, where I can reach around the back of my seat and find the GiGi by feel. Speaking of bracelets. You LOVE to wear jewelry. You will wear many bracelets and necklaces all day and you hold your hand up just high enough so they don't slip off. You look so dainty doing this. You notice when I have earrings in and while I hold you, you look at each of my ears to make sure each ear has one. Thanks for making sure I look okay doll! The other days we were at Sam's Club and we passed the counter of jewelry and you looked at it and then looked at my ears and neck to see if I had any on. Really?! You are THAT observant to draw that connection?! I am impressed!

You give more hugs and kisses now. I think because you have a few little babies and stuffed doggies that you love on so you see why we like to love on you. You will give us a kiss if we ask now. Sometimes you make me laugh so hard because you kiss me on one cheek and then the other and you keep going back and forth thinking its a game. You are very sweet. You also will hold my hand if I ask you to when we walk, even if its just to your bedroom or the kitchen. I love this. Now, you ask to hold my hand to bring me somewhere you want to go. You also ask me to sit down and even play with you more. You are so easily amused so making up games or things to do is always a win with you. Somedays we turn on music and dance and spin in circles and just laugh. This is so much fun. I love being goofy and silly with you.

You sill love to be outside all the time. Even if it's raining or snowing, you want out!

You LOVE to color and will get on your belly and scribble on the coloring books or anything you can for quite a bit. You love to carry a small notebook and a crayon or pen around the house and scribble here and there. You must be taking many notes on life around you!

You love your little bean bag chairs and even your reading chair in your room. You lay in them, watch tv in them, color in them (on them too) and just relax.

New floors (your daddy put ALL our tile in..wasn't that nice?!) means you have to help take care of them right?! Daddy made this kid size swifter and you love to help mommy clean the floor---hooray! You even got a kid sized Dyson for Christmas so let's hope that's good practice for the real deal.

You have such curly curly hair now. It use to just be the back but now the top has curled up as well.  On another note, those poor red cheeks can't catch a break.

You are 20 months old and already understand when I say, "let's take a picture buggy." You smile when I say cheese and here you are post bath smiling with me. Well maybe all smiles because you just watched your favorite music video, "What does the Fox Say". You get super pumped up for it.

Typical NM January weather. Cold enough for boots but sunny enough for a hat (that no longer fits! Your head grows so quick. That brain is working hard!)

Happy New Year's 2014! Love you so much!

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