Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had our second Christmas this year and we spent it just the three of us, at our home, in our PJ's all day. We weren't planning on staying home alone, or home at all. We had planned to be in Texas this year with the Witherspoon side. We did so much traveling between November and end of December that the hubs had no leave left. Also, as Christmas Eve grew closer we were working really hard to get our house in order. It was not your typical seasonal rush on things like finishing the Christmas baking, wrapping the rest of the gifts, or even decorating the Christmas tree. The hubs had been laying tile for days on and off between travel trips and work so we spent the days leading up to Christmas putting in grout, cleaning tile, moving furniture, putting up the tree and cleaning the kitchen. Oh I should mention it wasn't your typical cleaning of the kitchen either. It was a full on empty every cabinet, wash (a rinse would not work) each item in my kitchen, and wipe down the inside and outside of those cabinets. Also pantry full of food. No I was not eager to spring clean my kitchen like a woman nesting and about to give birth the next day. No, not at all. Let me explain..While Little Spoon and I were out of town the hubby was busy working hard removing old tile from our entryway to make room for our new tile. Well he did not know this would create an enormous dust cloud of tile dust and cement that would later settle on everything, everywhere..sparing no closet, nothing. Of course he did not do this on purpose so sadly I can't really blame him for this unfortunate mess. However, it was very hard for me to "keep it together" when I saw this mess and knew Christmas was about a week away. I am pretty sure our porch had less dust on it than my kitchen did. I was ready to move outside for sure! But like all things, we got it all done in time and somehow wrapping the gifts on Christmas Eve was the most relaxing thing we did all month. By the way, one day when our little girl walks around this house and says, "Daddy made the floor, Daddy made the doors, Daddy made the yard, Daddy made us a what did you do Mommy?" I will tell her, "Mommy cleaned up Daddy's mess and one other big thing..Mommy made YOU!"

Christmas morning, we had a beautiful tree up and many gifts under it. Little Spoon woke up at her usual time of 7:30am and we carried her to the living room to see what Santa had brought her. She saw the kitchen and was so excited she just about lunged out of my arms to run to it and play with it. It took us about 2 hours to open all gifts because she was happy to play with whatever she just opened and we had to force her to open up the others. I know this will change next year or the following year I am sure. She played all day with all of her new toys. I bought us matching PJ's for fun so we got to wear those. We had a pretty random Christmas lunch and dinner. It was heavy on the carbs and cheese but as your read above..we were pretty busy so there wasn't much time or desire to make a traditional Christmas meal. We spent the entire day just the three of us hanging out in PJ's.

First time meeting Santa and she didn't cry. She wasn't to excited to be around him either but no tears!

Matching PJ picture not a success because she got mad when I wanted the pacifier out of her mouth. This child never took one as an infant but now when she finds them she latches on.

Teething and laying in her favorite spot-the dog bed

Inviting Daddy in her little house was so fun!

Reading in her festive outfit looking like she escaped from Santa's Workshop.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful Christmas! Love that you guys had matching jammies. I totally failed with jammies this year.. LOL there's always next year. I want to get a kitchen for the girls next year too.
